Imagine you’re a Captain in the United States Marine Corps. You’ve just transitioned to Quantico MCB and have orders to go to the Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS). You’re a Marine Infantry Officer by trade, and an academic in your free time. Recently you’ve been told that you’re going to be conducting a wargame the next day and have been assigned control of the air domain for your student group. You’re confident except there’s one problem. You don’t know, what you don’t know…
This is a common situation when it comes to wargaming in general, not just at Marine Corps University. You cannot control the expertise and background of your participants. As Wargame SME’s it is a critical function to ensure that learning objectives are being met and looking for ways to constantly improve that process. Now imagine that same Captain at EWS having minimal knowledge about how to conduct an air campaign inputting assets, desired targets into a Large Language Model that can then provide not only a strike package but educate him/her on WHY it chose the course of action

Having Generative AI as a tool for students to use can increase overall learning by maintaining students’ immersion within the scenario and mitigating chances of feeling overwhelmed or fixating on game mechanics.
Integrating Generative AI into Wargames can provide chances for students to engage in educational content and expose themselves to threats, capabilities and considerations across all domains.
Generative AI can provide teaching opportunities for Faculty and Staff across organizations by providing a sandbox learning environment for wargames. Students will often make mistakes or forget things during a wargame and just as we collect AAR notes for discussions, those same notes can be used to generate future wargame scenarios designed around points of fault identified. Perhaps you want to generate a wargame scenario to look at sustainment in a contested environment, Generative AI can come up with one. Maybe an academic class is falling behind in a certain area or isn’t paying attention to a concept during the planning process? Generate some scenarios focused on that key issue identified.